Monday, March 24, 2008

Scattered beads ~ this is no 3-hour-long post, but this bead necklace i've been wearing & has never left my neck (except for the time when i when wakeboarding), suddenly came undone & got scattered all over the floor during my routine workout session earlier tonight. Any significance ~ this incident?
sheesh... i'm getting quite superstitiously paranoid these days... side effects from consuming too much nitro-tech? =p
*sub-par photography skills again, i know... damn... i so wanna get a DSLR... *


Kino said...

could be bad stuff man...
anyway is just old saying that may not fit to the modern world...

cal81 said...

well, i'd like to look at it from a brighter angle... out goes the old one, in comes the new one... =)

Simon said...

it means you need to get new one from phuket!

Unknown said...

Hello guys,
Any plan on any vacation towards the end of the year? Keen to join any after Oct 08^o^

cal81 said...

eh...apala, sudah banyak out of topic nih!
haven't planned for year end vacation yet... pending my money tree grow back after phuket trip... =p