Another American monster movie *think Godzilla* ~ monster attack dizzyingly told from the view point of a handheld video cam, not unlike the Blairwitch Project but with better graphics & sound effects rendition; yes, portable gadgets technology has improved so much since, that you could shoot a whole blockbuster using one. Verdict: a barely 90mins flick with an abrupt ending is hardly worth the 9bucks, but i'd give 2 thumbs up for the effects. This movie sure is EFFECTIVE. It's the first thing that makes me vomit since that vodka overdose at Soho many moons ago...
Watch Cloverfield = get Clobbered-head feel xp
Go checkout the trailers here & see if it fits your movie appetite.
lucky i didnt go... but then again, every movie i say nice, u all say not nice.....
oo... like that this one, u shouldn't miss it for the world... =p
i watched it.. but discovered 20% ppl walking out..n never coming back.. during the screening
actually i think it'a a more realistic monster movie. i like it though.
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