Sunday, March 26, 2006

X Factor - con't

Merger opens up a new chapter... what does it hold for the future? Waiting in anticipation for changes bound to take place real soon.. uncertainty definitely stirs up some feeling of insecurity; Job security? Nah, it doesn't bother me, not at this point. But oh boy, i'm getting excited... at the prospect of seeing some answers to some pre-historic questions about:

1. IPOs - will it materialize? It;s sounding like an old record player, repeating act at quarterly communications since.... i can't remember when..
2. Bonuses ... w/o bond? -> now that's sounding like a real deal
3. Regulated OTs? - > 60 - 70 hr working week juz sounds too pathetic; hey get a LIFE!
4. Change in manangement/direction? -> changes are most welcome! Can it possibly get any worse?

Well, fingers crossed..wait & see...

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