Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hazy Days...

From Miri

~ has taken a toll on me. Woke up to a pungent smoky air smell & a low visibility morning which made me feel like staying in bed all day. Mild sore throat, aggravated dry coughs & intermittent flu bouts have plagued me for weeks. Finally paid a visit to the doctor for a quick check-up this morning; except that it wasn’t an express-like affair. Now’s like the sick season, just go to any clinic at any operating hour, chances are there’ll be packed with sick people seeking for treatment. Had to wait a freaking 50 minutes before for my turn! Glad that it turns out to be just some inflammation symptom due to the haze. *H1N1 NOT! xp * Along with it, came my supply of N95 face mask. Should come in handy when i go travelling at the end of the week. =)
The API index...
& i though Miri would rank as one of the worst; but it’s Sibu instead!
Had lunch at my work cube, coz it would spare me plenty of time since i came in very late for work due to the hold up at the clinic. Thanks to our office postman-cum-food peddler that i got my lunch: a pack of 3 currypuffs + nasi lemak ~ cheap & taste much better than the awful cafeteria food... =D


faithlovechocolate said...

aiyoyo... drinks lots & enjoy ur trip soon!

cal81 said...

yups... must, must recover by friday... xp