Sunday, November 29, 2009

Project MG RX-75 Guntank ~ Part I: Core Fighter

From Gunpla

I've picked this project to start first over MG Exia coz i'm just too eager to checkout its unique gimmicks & how the parts are put together. The RX-75 Guntank is hardly the best looking Gundam out there, but box art & the manual prints are impressive enough to make it look more appealing.
From Gunpla

I began by assembling the Core Fighter Unit first, which is made up of a considerable amount of parts; almost twice as much compared to that of the RX-78-2 Version 1.0

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

The assembled unit in Fighter plan mode here looks quite simplistic, though features a fair bit of moveable parts to enable it to transform Core Fighter & a cool 90deg swivel movement of the fighter cockpit to get into correction orientation for both modes. The clear part of the landing gears & wheels is to be removed when in Core Figther mode.
From Gunpla

From Gunpla

Head-to-head comparison with the Core Fighter Plane unit of RX-78-2 Version 1.0; the latter has a more appealing animation color scheme to my liking, but articulation-wise is quite limited & the RX-78-2 actually has a separate non-transformable Core Fighter unit. No decals for the RX-75's unit though. That about wraps up Part I.


Valen said... u bought ur MG Guntank ya...^^ nice nice

cal81 said...

=D current progress is up to the torso already, heheh