Friday, October 02, 2009

Project HGUC Operation Capture of Jaburo: Gogg (Final)

Part 3 of 3 ~
From Gunpla
MSM-03 Gogg is the last of the mono-eye amphibious type mobile suit, the least good-looking one as well & probably the lowest ranking in hierarchy among them; two-stripes = corporal rank
From Gunpla

From Gunpla
But with panel lining & wet etch decals, this HGUC kit does not look too bad at all...

The mono-eyes get together for a group shot...
From Gunpla

From Gunpla

From Gunpla

From Gunpla
MSM-07S Char’s Z’gok + MSM-04 Acguy + MSM-03 Gogg + MSM-10 Zock (in front-to-back order)

Now that my desktop is starting to overflow with the bad guys, it’s time to recruit some more new heroes *MG RX-178 Gundam MK-II Titans Prototype ~ next!*
From Gunpla
While assembly is in progress on my tiny workspace, the ladies will have to shift to the top of my black box for the time being... =p


Valen said...

Wow...operation capture jaburo + Zock...^^nice nice...XD

cal81 said...

they make quite a unique bunch indeed =p

Robin Wong said...

hey I want that drybox !!

cal81 said...

well, u should go get one to protect ur photography investments! =)